Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Further development and coordination of survey data allowing for a unified ESF monitoring for the funding period 2007-2013

The project aimed at developing a master data sheet for the funding period of 2007-2013 meeting the EU-requirements while involving all relevant partners on federal and federal state level. The master data sheet is to be used uniformly on the federal level. In addition, the contract covered a suggestion of a common minimum for a shared reporting by the federal and federal state governments.


Mitarbeiter: Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Laufzeit: Mai 2007 to July 2007

Status: completed

Kooperationspartner: none

adminFurther development and coordination of survey data allowing for a unified ESF monitoring for the funding period 2007-2013
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