Labor markets and labor market policy

Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds, Labor markets and labor market policy

Impact evaluation of the Federal ESF-Programme 2014-2020 in Germany

Together with Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik e.V. (ISS), Institut für Stadtforschung und Strukturpolitik GmbH (IfS) and defacto, ISG Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik GmbH (ISG) is carrying out the impact evaluation of the German ESF-Programme 2014-2020 on national level. This evaluation serves to scientifically assess results and impacts of …

Marco PuxiImpact evaluation of the Federal ESF-Programme 2014-2020 in Germany

Arbeitsbereich Labor markets and labor market policy

Framework agreement for academic (short) expertises regarding basic questions of the welfare state and the future of labour

The project provides expertises, analyses and workshop support for the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). It enables the BMAS to act swiftly and flexible on recent societal discussions on the basis of academic findings. The ISG supports the DIW Berlin and DIW Econ as a subcontractor …

Hans VerbeekFramework agreement for academic (short) expertises regarding basic questions of the welfare state and the future of labour

Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds, Labor markets and labor market policy

Evaluation and external support of ERDF and ESF in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

The project covers administrative support tasks to the Managing Authority (monitoring, indicator system, reporting as foreseen by EU regulations, etc.) and the ongoing evaluation of the implementation of ERDF- and ESF-funded programmes and projects. The project is carried out in close cooperation between ISG and IfS Institut für Stadtforschung und …

Marco PuxiEvaluation and external support of ERDF and ESF in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Arbeitsbereich Labor markets and labor market policy

Evaluation of the federal ESF-programme for the integration of long-term unemployed recipients of UB2-benefits into the primary labour market

The federal ESF-programme aims at developing employment perspectives for long-term unemployed (LTU) recipients of UB2-benefits (also known as “Hartz IV”). The programme addresses both the demand and the supply side of the labour market. On the one hand, employers should be advised and supported by job-hunters to offer LTU an …

Michael FertigEvaluation of the federal ESF-programme for the integration of long-term unemployed recipients of UB2-benefits into the primary labour market