EHAP contributes to the fight against poverty and social exclusion, a main goal of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has commissioned the ISG with the drawing up the operational EHAP-programme. The project includes the identification of existing needs as well as the derivation …
Arbeitsbereich Inclusion and Rehabilitation
Draw up the operational program for the European Help-Fund for the most disadvantaged people in Germany (EHAP)
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Evaluation and Monitoring of the operational ESF program in the programming period 2014-2020 in Bavaria
The Bavarian State Ministry of Labour, Social and Family Affairs and Integration commissioned the ISG with monitoring and evaluating the interventions of the ESF in the funding period of 2014-2020 in Bavaria. The project includes drawing up the evaluation plan, preparing annual reports as well as the final report. Furthermore, …
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Socio-economic analysis and SWOT analysis for the ESF Operational Programme Bavaria 2014 – 2020
A socio-economic analysis and SWOT analysis were carried out in preparation of the strategic development related to the ESF Operational Programme in Bavaria 2014-2020. The socio-economic analysis is meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the framework and needs for action in Bavaria. In the SWOT analysis, endogenous strengths, weaknesses …
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Preparation and participation in the preparation of the Federal Government’s Operational Programme, ex-ante evaluation and partnership agreement
The following key tasks are included in the contract: 1. preparation and implementation of an online consultation procedure, 2. preparation of the socio-economic and needs analysis, 3. development of a unified intervention logic for the ESF in Germany, as well as the development of the intervention logic for the German …