Together with IfS Institut für Stadtforschung und Strukturpolitik GmbH and GEFRA GbR – Gesellschaft für Finanz- und Regionalanalysen ISG is carrying out the ongoing evaluation of the mutlifund programme of Lower Saxony for the ERDF and the ESF in the intervention period 2014-2020. Part of the ongoing evaluation project is …
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Ongoing evaluation of the multifund programme for the ERDF and the ESF in Lower Saxony
Arbeitsbereich Labor markets and labor market policy
Evaluation of the federal ESF-programme for the integration of long-term unemployed recipients of UB2-benefits into the primary labour market
The federal ESF-programme aims at developing employment perspectives for long-term unemployed (LTU) recipients of UB2-benefits (also known as “Hartz IV”). The programme addresses both the demand and the supply side of the labour market. On the one hand, employers should be advised and supported by job-hunters to offer LTU an …
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Accompanying scientific research and operational planning in the intervention period 2014-2020 for the European Social Fund (ESF) in Berlin
The science-based consultancy project referring to the ESF implementation in Berlin in the intervention period 2014-2020 starts with the drafting of the evaluation plan as foreseen by the relevant EU regulations. The expert’s team, which carries out all relevant evaluation and research studies related to results and impacts of the …
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds, Labor markets and labor market policy
Report on the horizontal principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the programming period 2014-2020 of the ESF in North Rhine-Westphalia
The report analyses the implementation of equal opportunities as horizontal principle of the ESF 2014-2020 in North Rhine-Westphalia on structural, personal and operational level and refers to all operations under the new Operational Programme. On basis of the analytical results, recommendations will be elaborated that facilitate the achievements of horizontal …