Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Evaluation and monitoring within Priority 2 (competitiveness) of the 2007-2013 Baden-Wuerttemberg European Social Fund Operational Programme

The project covers the following tasks: programming of the IT system for the entire monitoring process, as well as financial planning and controlling (n+2), operation of the SFC, preparation of declarations of expenditure and applications for payment, drawing up lists of beneficiaries, participants, earmarking tables, analysis of outcome and statistical monitoring indicators etc., import of project data from the system of the L-Bank Baden-Wuerttemberg. An ongoing monitoring based on the electronic monitoring system as well as preparation of an annual implementation report and a final report. The evaluation concept builds on the monitoring data and ensures that all essential parts are subject to a systematic evaluation of both qualitative and – in particular – quantitative nature. Also, evaluating the Communication Plan’s goal attainment is an integral part of the work.


Mitarbeiter: Dr. Jenny Bennett, Uta Micic, Franziska Porwol, Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg

Laufzeit: January 2008 to December 2015

Status: ongoing

Kooperationspartner: PASS Consulting Group - PASS Systems Management AG

adminEvaluation and monitoring within Priority 2 (competitiveness) of the 2007-2013 Baden-Wuerttemberg European Social Fund Operational Programme
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