Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Evaluation and Monitoring of the operational ESF program in the programming period 2014-2020 in Bavaria

The Bavarian State Ministry of Labour, Social and Family Affairs and Integration commissioned the ISG with monitoring and evaluating the interventions of the ESF in the funding period of 2014-2020 in Bavaria. The project includes drawing up the evaluation plan, preparing annual reports as well as the final report. Furthermore, the project comprises the evaluation of the individual subsidized actions and their contributions to the EU 2020-Strategy. The collection of indicators, evaluation of the communication strategy, delivery of monitoring data and socio-economic analysis are also part of the project.


Mitarbeiter: Dr. Jenny Bennett, Stefan Feldens, Georg Kalvelage, Christian Loschelder, Uta Micic, Maik Oliver Mielenz, Franziska Porwol, Marco Puxi, Anne-Marie Scholz, Hans Verbeek, Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Bavarian State Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Integration

Laufzeit: 2015 to 2025

Status: ongoing

Farid HosseiniEvaluation and Monitoring of the operational ESF program in the programming period 2014-2020 in Bavaria
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