Arbeitsbereich Inclusion and Rehabilitation

Draw up the operational program for the European Help-Fund for the most disadvantaged people in Germany (EHAP)

EHAP contributes to the fight against poverty and social exclusion, a main goal of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has commissioned the ISG with the drawing up the operational EHAP-programme. The project includes the identification of existing needs as well as the derivation of specific funding objectives and target groups. One main focus lies on the development of the intervention logic and the identification of target values while involving all relevant partners. Moreover, the project includes contributions to the operational programme as well as support of the approval process with the EU Commission.

not yet published

Mitarbeiter: Dr. Jenny Bennett, Dr. Dietrich Engels, Dr. Regine Köller, Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Laufzeit: 2014 - 2015

Status: completed

Farid HosseiniDraw up the operational program for the European Help-Fund for the most disadvantaged people in Germany (EHAP)
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