The following key tasks are included in the contract: 1. construction of the socio-economic, SWOT and needs analysis, 2. development of a single intervention logic for the ESF in Germany, as well as the development of the programmatic for the ESF operational program of the Federal Government, 3. development of a generally applicable indicator system and program specific indicators, 4. creation and assistance in the preparation of contributions to the federal operational program, 5. creation, processing and delivery of the ESF contributions to the partnership agreement, 6. accompaniment to the approval processes with the EU Commission
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Draw up and participation in the preparation of the Federal Government’s Operational Program and the partnership agreement in the 2021-2027 programming period
Dr. Jenny Bennett, Stefan Feldens, Dr. Regine Köller, Christian Loschelder, Jürgen Viedenz
Auftraggeber: Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Laufzeit: July 2019 to December 2021
Status: ongoing