The program mangagement IT system “DATES II” is developed and implemented in collaboration with PASS-Consulting Group. Central functions of the application are management of the federal ESF-programs and -projects, financial and material monitoring/controlling (e.g. EU payment applications, finanical reports, complex indicator system) as well as reporting on the realisation of European Social Fund in Germany to European Commission in funding period 2014-2020. The evaluation of data will be guaranteed by an integrated and extensible evaluation system. To support these tasks, different import/export functions and interfaces are implemented. The application will be operated and supported over the entire period of use. Comprehensive training for users is planned.
Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds
Conception, implementation and operation, technical and expert support of DATES II
Christian Loschelder, Jürgen Viedenz
Auftraggeber: German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)
Laufzeit: May 2015 to September 2016
Status: completed