Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Monitoring and Evaluation of the operational ESF program in Baden-Württemberg in the programming period 2014-2020

The project aims at monitoring, information of the Monitoring Committee as well as the development of a system of indicators and support for any amendments to the operational ESF program. Furthermore, the project includes the evaluation of the implementation of the communication strategy, issues of data processing with the L-Bank, cooperation with the regional ESF working groups and project promoters as well as the support of the administrative authority in drawing up necessary deliverables for the progress reports 2017 and 2019. Finally, it is about the implementation of the ex-post evaluation by the Commission, preliminary work for the next funding period, creation of the evaluation plan, assessment of each specific objective and drawing up the corresponding reports and the final evaluation report, drawing up the annual implementation reports as well as the final report

None (ongoing project)

Mitarbeiter: Dr. Jenny Bennett, Stefan Feldens, Katrin Hunger, Georg Kalvelage, Christian Loschelder, Uta Micic, Maik Oliver Mielenz, Marco Puxi, Anne-Marie Scholz, Hans Verbeek, Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, Baden-Württemberg

Laufzeit: June 2014 to 2024

Status: ongoing

Kooperationspartner: none

adminMonitoring and Evaluation of the operational ESF program in Baden-Württemberg in the programming period 2014-2020
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