Arbeitsbereich Labor markets and labor market policy

Skilled workers strategy for Berlin

The ISG supports the Senate Department for Labour, Social Services, Gender Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination in the process of developing a skilled workers strategy for Berlin. The skilled workers strategy aims to provide targeted support for securing skilled workers in Berlin and to accompany people through structural change and enable them to access good jobs. At the beginning of the project, it is planned to perform a needs analysis of the expected demand for skilled workers in Berlin and an inventory of the existing measures of the Berlin Senate administrations aimed at combatting skills’ shortages. On this basis, a prioritisation of the most important fields of action of the skilled workers strategy will be carried out. As a participatory process, representatives of all Berlin Senate administrations are actively involved in these phases of the project. A Berlin-wide workshop will also be held to involve all of the administration’s key cooperation partners.

Mitarbeiter: Marco Puxi, Hans Verbeek

Auftraggeber: Berlin Senate for Labour (SenASGIVA)

Laufzeit: July - December 2024

Status: ongoing

Marco PuxiSkilled workers strategy for Berlin