It will be investigated, if there are appropriate methods and available data to evaluate the effects of a statutory minimum wage on undeclared work. The results will be presented in a specific and consolidated overview of potential research approaches. The study is based on a previous study by Boockmann et al. (2010), who give an overview of methods measuring the undeclared economy. The evaluation of the methods will be based on valid empirical approaches of counterfactual impact analyses.
The project comprises of a broad literature research concerning evaluations of the effects of a statutory minimum wage on undeclared work. Secondly different approaches of measuring undeclared work are analysed concerning their potential for the minimum wage research. This includes direct methods like primary or secondary data collections or administrative data on discovered undeclared work, as well as indirect methods like methods of discrepancy, monetary estimations or model-based approaches.
Arbeitsbereich Labor markets and labor market policy
Methods to evaluate the effects of the statutory minimum wage on undeclared work [Ansätze zur Evaluation von Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf die Schwarzarbeit]
Hans Verbeek
Auftraggeber: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Laufzeit: December 2018 to January 2020
Status: ongoing
Kooperationspartner: Dr. Carlo Knotz