Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Ex-ante evaluation of the operational programmes for the implementation of the ESF in the Objective “Regional Competitiveness and Employment“ and the federal ESF funding of the Objective “Convergence“ in Germany for the funding period 2007 – 2013

Focus of this project were the assessment of the labor market and employment situation and the relevance of the overall consistency of the strategy. Further focal points were the assessment of the coherence of the strategy with regard to regional and national policies and the EU Strategic Guidelines as well as quantifiable objectives. Finally, the project aimed at the evaluation of the expected impacts of the programs and an evaluation of the proposed implementation system.


Mitarbeiter: Jürgen Viedenz

Auftraggeber: Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Laufzeit: July 2006 to March 2007

Status: completed

Kooperationspartner: none

adminEx-ante evaluation of the operational programmes for the implementation of the ESF in the Objective “Regional Competitiveness and Employment“ and the federal ESF funding of the Objective “Convergence“ in Germany for the funding period 2007 – 2013
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