Arbeitsbereich European Structural and Investment Funds

Provision, operation, maintenance and technical support of the IT system for the European Social Fund (ESF) in Bavaria 2007-2013

In cooperation with Pass-Consulting Group, the IT system “ESF-Bavaria” was developed and implemented. Over the entire period of use, ESF-Bavaria is operated and supervised. The system meets the requirements of the EU regulations and allows for an according computer-based data exchange with the EU Commission. Apart from meeting pertinent demands for ESF funding, the demands of the Bavarian ESF administration regarding a straightforward and productive software application were crucial to the development process. At the same time, ESF-Bavaria was designed to allow for expandability in many respects; it has to be adaptable to new and changing requirements within the implementation of the ESF on short notice. As stipulated in the contract, comprehensive training for the users of the IT system was also provided.

Instructions under and


Auftraggeber: Bavarian State Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Women

Laufzeit: June 2008 to June 2017

Status: ongoing

Kooperationspartner: PASS Consulting Group - PASS Systems Management AG

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adminProvision, operation, maintenance and technical support of the IT system for the European Social Fund (ESF) in Bavaria 2007-2013
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