0221-130 655-21

Dr. Fertig, MichaelManaging Director

We mourn the death of our Managing Director Michael Fertig, who died on April 30, 2018.

Michael Fertig studied economics with a focus on quantitative methods at the University of Heidelberg, where he received the degree of Diplom-Volkswirt in 1997. He finished his Ph.D. studies in July 2002 at the University of Heidelberg. For his Ph.D. thesis entitled “„Germany as an Immigration Country – Empirical Evidence“ he was awarded the “Südwestmetall-Förderpreis” and the “Nachwuchspreis der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft”. From October 2002 to December 2006 he was a research coordinator at the RWI-Essen. Since January 2007 he is one of the managing directors of ISG-Cologne. His research interests include applied econometrics in the field of international migration, the economics of education and program evaluation, with a particular emphasis on active labor market policy. In these fields he contributed to numerous scientific reports, published in several refereed journals and is co-author of a graduate text book on the methods of empirical research.

Selected Publications

  • Michael Fertig and Christopher Osiander (2015), Selektivität beim Zugang in Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen – Die Bedeutung individueller und struktureller Faktoren am Beispiel der „Initiative zur Flankierung des Strukturwandels“. Forthcoming in: Schmollers Jahrbuch.
  • Michael Fertig and Martin Kahanec (2015), Projections of Potential Flows to the Enlarging EU from Ukraine, Croatia and other Eastern Neighbors. Forthcoming: IZA Journal of Migration.
  • Michael Fertig, Marco Puxi, Martin Rosemann and Marian Weimann (2014), Die Wahrnehmung und Berücksichtigung von Wachstums- und Wohlstandindikatoren durch politische Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 134, 61-88.
  • Fertig, Michael (2014), Quantitative Wirkungsanalysen zur Berliner Joboffensive. IAB-Forschungsbericht 4/2014, Nürnberg.
  • Egenolf, Dennis, Michael Fertig, Katrin Hunger, Marco Puxi, Martin Rosemann and Marian Weimann (2014), Implementationsstudie zur Berliner Joboffensive. IAB-Forschungsbericht 1/2014, Nürnberg.
  • Fertig, Michael and Katja Görlitz (2013), Missing wages: How to test for biased estimates in wage functions? Economics Letters, 118, 269-271.
  • Apel, Helmut, Ronald Bachmann, Stefan Bender, Philipp vom Berge, Michael Fertig and others (2012), Arbeitsmarktwirkungen der Mindestlohneinführung im Bauhauptgewerbe. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung, 45, 257-277.
  • Apel, Helmut and Michael Fertig (2011), Empirische Ermittlung branchenspezifischer Tarifbindung: Methodische Machbarkeitsstudie. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 5, 81-96.
  • Fertig, Michael and Christoph M. Schmidt (2011), Attitudes towards Foreigners and Jews in Germany – Identifying the Determinants of Xenophobia in a Large Opinion Survey. Review of Economics of the Household, 9, 99-128.
  • Fertig, Michael (2010), The Societal Integration of Immigrants. In: Frontiers of Economics and Globalization (Volume 8): Migration and Culture, Hrsg. Epstein, Gil und Ira N. Gang, 375-400.
  • Bauer, Thomas, Michael Fertig and Christoph M. Schmidt (2009), Empirische Wirtschafts­forschung – Eine Einführung. Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Fertig, Michael and Marcus Tamm (2009), Always Poor or Never Poor and Nothing in Between? Duration of Child Poverty in Germany. German Economic Review, 11, 150-168.
  • Fertig, Michael, Christoph M. Schmidt and Mathias Sinning (2009), Human Capital Accumulation: Family Background, Cohort Effects and Unemployment. Labour Economics, 16, 659-668.
  • Bender, Stefan, Michael Fertig, Katja Görlitz, Martina Huber and Alexandra Schmucker (2009), WeLL – Unique Linked Employer-Employee Data on Further Training in Germany. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 129, 637-643.
  • Apel, Helmut and Michael Fertig (2008), Operationalisierung von „Beschäftigungsfähigkeit“. Ein methodischer Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Messkonzepts. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarkt­forschung, 42, 5-28.
  • Corak, Miles, Michael Fertig and Marcus Tamm (2008), A Portrait of Child Poverty in Germany. Review of Income and Wealth, 54, 547-571.
  • Fertig, Michael and Lena Jacobi (2007), Die erleichterte Befristung älterer Arbeit­nehmer/innen – Eine Evaluation mit Daten des Mikrozensus. ASTA – Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 1, 263-273.
  • Fertig, Michael (2007), The Effectiveness of Qualification Measures for Employed Workers – An Evaluation Study for Saxony. Applied Economics, 39, 2279-2301.
  • Fertig, Michael, Jochen Kluve and Christoph M. Schmidt (2006), Die makroökonomische Wirkung aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik – Eine Panelanalyse auf Ebene regionaler Arbeitsmärkte. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung, 39, 575-601.
  • Fertig, Michael and Jochen Kluve (2006), Alternative Beschäftigungsformen in Deutschland: Effekte der Neuregelung von Zeitarbeit, Minijobs und Midijobs. In: Vierteljahres­hefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 75, 97-117.
  • Fertig, Michael, Jochen Kluve and Christoph M. Schmidt (2006), Der erweiterte Minijob für Arbeitslose – Ein Reformvorschlag. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 7, 227-225.
  • Fertig, Michael and Robert E. Wright (2005), School Quality, Educational Attainment and Aggregation Bias. Economics Letters, 88, 109-114.
  • Fertig, Michael, Christoph M. Schmidt and Hilmar Schneider (2005), Active Labor Market Policy in Germany – Is there a Successful Policy Strategy? Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36, 399-430.
  • Fertig, Michael and Jochen Kluve (2004), A Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of Comprehensive Labor Market Policy Reforms in Germany. Applied Economics Quarterly (Supplement), 55, 83-113.
  • Fertig, Michael and Christoph M. Schmidt (2002), Reading Tea Leaves or Science? Forecasting for Beginners. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv, 86, 459-467.
  • Fertig, Michael (2001), The Economic Impact of EU-Enlargement: Assessing the Migration Potential. Empirical Economics, 26, 707-720.
  • Fertig, Michael and Christoph M. Schmidt (2000), Discretionary Measures of Active Labor Market Policy: The German Employment Promotion Reform in Perspective. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 120, 537-565.